Celebrate the Lunar New Year in Seattle

The Lunar New Year celebration, happening this Saturday in Seattle's Chinatown-International District, is your chance to tap into fun, food and culture. Best of all, it's free to attend!

Mural for incarcerated Japanese Americans during WWII vandalized in Seattle

Artwork dedicated to Japanese Americans incarcerated in WWII were discovered vandalized on Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Day in Seattle's Chinatown-International District. Jeff Liang, Interim Executive Director with Chinatown International District's Business Improvement Area (CID-BIA) says he was alerted of the defacement on Monday in Nihonmachi Alley, the Japantown area of CID.

Restoring safety to Seattle's Little Saigon

Business owners and residents in Seattle's Little Saigon neighborhood will hold a meeting on Monday to address safety concerns. This is the same area where a mass stabbing injured five people.