Mighty-O donates $4,000 to help build Oso Landslide Memorial
Mighty-O donuts raises money for Oso Landslide Memorial
Mighty-O donuts raises money for Oso Landslide Memorial
SEATTLE -- It's been more than 5 years since a landslide devastated the small community of Oso, and people out there are still in need of help.
A group is working to build a memorial so that the lives lost aren't forgotten, and a Seattle donut shop is helping their cause.
It started with just one donut back in May, which sparked the idea that just one could make an impact.
When Mighty-O Donuts partnered with Q13's Ali Bradley, a reporter's donut obsession turned into a fundraising effort for the Oso community. Bradley ate a donut for 100 days straight, and a portion of the proceeds from Mighty-O's Raspberry Riot donut was donated to the slide memorial.
Mighty-O ended up making a $4,000 contribution in Seattle this week.
"They were out there living it every single day, so just to be able to give anything back to help them to show our gratitude for everything that they have done," said Julie Bundt, Mighty-O Donuts' Director of Operations.
It was the deadliest landslide in US history, taking the lives of 43 people in Oso.
Five years have passed, and still, the legacies of those lives lost are kept quiet in the valley. Dayn Brunner and Joel Johnson are hoping that will change by way of a memorial to honor the people lost, the response efforts made and the resiliency of the community.
The Oso Slide Memorial Fundraising Committee is still looking for help to get to their $6 million goal. If you want to get involved with the cause, click here.