2 die, over 220 went to emergency rooms in King County during Monday's heat wave

Two people have died and over 200 more went to the emergency room in King County during Monday's heat wave

The cause of death for both people was systemic hyperthermia due to environmental exposure. One was a 65-year-old from Seattle and the other was a 68-year-old in Enumclaw. 

On June 28, there were 223 emergency department visits for heat-related illness among King County residents, representing about 10% of all emergency department visits for the day. 

Only 68 of the 223 patients at the emergency room were admitted to the hospital, according to King County.

According to the county, the most common discharge diagnoses among admitted patients were: 

  • Acute kidney failure (15 patients)
  • Encephalopathy (swelling of the brain) (11 patients)
  • Fever (11 patients)

Temperatures were in the triple digits on Monday, with some places getting as hot as 118 degrees

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