Businesses close in Seattle as sign of solidarity for Black Lives Matter

SEATTLE--Dozens of businesses in Seattle closed on Friday as a sign of solidarity for Black Lives Matter, while thousands marched through city streets in an organized BLM march.

Many businesses owners closed their doors for the day in honor of the movement, including business owner Justin Cline.

“We wanted to use our privilege to amplify black voices, and I think closing on a Friday and being a part of this whole action that is going on is the best way we can do that,” said Cline.

Cline is the owner of Full Tilt Ice Cream. On Friday, he closed his business to stand in solidarity with the movement, as well as to give his employees the chance to take part in the march. Cline said he also provided his employees pay for the day.

Despite dealing with weeks of closure, and loss of sales due to COVID-19, he said keeping his doors closed on Friday is more than worth it.

“For people that are black or people of color to be able to exist, I think is much more important than me being open on a Friday,” he said.