List of gun bills being considered in Olympia
Hearings on gun control measures set for this week in Washington state
Hearings on gun control measures set for this week in Washington state
OLYMPIA – State lawmakers in Olympia will consider several gun-related bills this session, including two controversial bans supported by Attorney General Bob Ferguson. Here is a list of proposed bills, along with links to the full text of each.
SB 6077: Bans "large capacity magazines"
Senate Bill 6077 would prohibit any person in Washington state from manufacturing, possessing, distributing, importing, transferring, selling, or purchasing “large capacity magazines.” Exceptions include people who already own such magazines, as well as law enforcement officers. The bill defines “large capacity magazines” as “an ammunition feeding device with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds of ammunition.”
HB 2241: Bans "assault weapons”
House Bill 2241 would prohibit the sale or possession of so called “assault weapons,” such as the AR-15 or AK-47. The bill would not apply to such weapons owned before January 1, 2021.
HB 2467: Creates centralized background check system
House Bill 2567 would create a centralized gun background check system under the purview of the Washington State Patrol. The proposal is expected to have bipartisan support.
SB 6288:Establishing the Washington Office of Firearm Violence Prevention
Senate Bill 6288 would create a new office dedicated to "coordinating and promoting effective state and local efforts to reduce firearm violence." The office would work with law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and pubic health officials across the state on violence intervention and prevention efforts.
HB 2519: Restricts access to ammunition
House Bill 2519 would require background checks on ammunition sales in order to prevent purchase of ammunition by felons and others prohibited from owning firearms.
HB 1374: Local authority to regulate firearms
House Bill 1374 would "provide local jurisdictions the ability to build upon statewide standards and adopt responsible approaches to firearms regulations to help address the epidemic of firearm violence in their communities by restoring inherent local authority to adopt firearms regulations under the police power to protect public health, safety, and welfare."
Other firearm-related bills:
SB 6294 - Concealed pistol license training requirements.
SB 6347 - Extending expiration date for a concealed pistol license.
SB 6406 - Concerning theft of firearms.
SB 6402 - Concerning the use of a stolen firearm.
SB 6163 - Concerning unlawful possession of firearms for persons free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial.
HB 2555 - Concerning background check requirements for firearms classified as other under federal firearms laws.
HB 1671 - Disposing of confiscated firearms.