Sammamish home burglarized: Why Nest/Ring cams might not be your best line of defense
Burglars cut cables to bypass homeowner`s security system
Burglars are becoming more aware of popular Ring and Nest cameras and have figured out ways to get around those systems and invade your home.
SAMMAMISH, Wash. -- More than $50,000 worth of personal items stolen from a Sammamish home and the burglars were caught on camera just moments before cutting the cable lines.
The thieves were well-aware of the security system, showing that the popular Ring and Nest cams may not be your best line of defense against criminals.
Katie Thurik’s home in a quiet Sammamish neighborhood was burglarized a little over a week ago. The thieves went around the side of her home and gained access to the phone and cable lines.
“It ended up knocking out the cable which knocked out the Ring and the Nest cameras,” she explained.
They made off with everything from expensive wine, to diamonds and designer handbags.
“Just heartbroken really,” Thurik said. “I mean it’s just things, but it was mine, and they took it.”
Thurik had an alarm system along with cameras, things that didn’t do a whole lot of good once the Wi-Fi was down.
This is what surveillance cameras captured of the suspects before being taken down.