Healthy Living: Men's Health, understanding the risks

June is Men's Health Awareness Month, a time to focus on some of the biggest health issues facing men, the importance of early screenings and regular visits to the doctor.

The fact is, women live longer than men... by about 5 years, according to the World Health Organization.  That's a sign that men need to be aware of their health risks, educate themselves on prevention and take action early.

Recently, Dr. Sean Snyder, a provider with Pacific Medical Centers stopped by Q13 to talk about 3 of the top health concerns for men, including heart disease, early cancer screenings and nutrition.

Marni Hughes asked Dr. Snyder what is most important for men to consider when taking care of their heart.

"I think it's knowing your risk because a lot of the risk factors you might have you're not going to know about.  They're not going to give you symptoms until it's too late," said Dr. Snyder.  "Regularly seeing your primary doctor and knowing what puts you at risk... things like your blood pressure, cholesterol, family history, and understanding your risk so you can come up with an individual plan to manage those risks."

Dr. Snyder recommends men see their doctor at least once a year, unless there are other health concerns.  He also says men should get colon cancer screenings starting at the age of 50, unless you have a family history or other concerns.