A special ending to Teacher Appreciation Week leaves local teacher in tears

GRAHAM -- All week, we've surprised local teachers with recognition based on your nominations. Today, we aired a special surprise with Ms. Cordell, a 2nd grade teacher at Graham Elementary.

Ms. Cordell had to take a leave of absence in April, to focus on her treatment for breast cancer. She's popped back in a couple of times since then to say hello to her students, but unbeknownst to her, this visit was a bit different.

Fellow staff members told her she needed to come in for a meeting with parents. When she arrived to find her students gathered in the library, and then we came barging in with flowers and balloons, she knew something was up!

We read her the nomination we received, and she teared up as she heard of how much her students, parents, and community loved and supported her. Her students couldn't wait to embrace her, racing to the front of the room for hugs before we were done!

It was clear to us just how much Ms. Cordell means to this community. We are so happy everyone rallied around her and nominated her for this recognition that she clearly deserves! Big thanks to Albertsons Safeway for providing the prizes for all of our deserving teachers this week: balloons, flowers, and a gift card to Albertsons Safeway!

Teachers are everyday heroes to so many of us- is there another everyday hero you would like us to recognize? It can be anyone from the barista who always serves you the "usual" with a smile, to the military veteran who lives down the street. Nominate someone who has been a hero to you or others, by clicking on the Everyday Heroes link on the left hand side of the Q13 FOX Facebook page: Click HERE.