Cyber Monday is overtaking Black Friday as shoppers’ favorite day
SEATTLE -- Black Friday is fast approaching and there are new studies about one of the biggest shopping days of the year. The first comes from Washington State University, which shed some light on who from the Northwest will head to the malls and who’s staying home.
In the survey, WSU found:
As for why, most told pollsters that they don’t like big crowds and that they can get deals anytime, not just on Black Friday.
The second survey comes from Ipsos and comparing Black Friday to the newer Cyber Monday. The poll found that people are now shopping online more than going into physical stores. 71 percent of consumers say they’ll be on their computer or smart devices to purchase what they need for the holidays. That’s compared to 69 percent who say they’ll shop on Black Friday. Obviously, there’s a chunk of shoppers who look to do both.
The survey also looked at what’s hot this season.
Asking what they’re be buying on Black Friday:
And come Cyber Monday, here’s a look at what shoppers will go online to buy:
According to, while Cyber Monday is best known for deals on tech, they say slightly more shoppers are actually looking for clothing that day.
If you’re one of those 65 percent of people who plan to shop Black Friday, here’s a great list of when stores will be opening.
But that Friday and Monday aren’t the only chances you’ll have to find some holiday gifts and deals, don’t forget about Small Business Saturday.
American Express estimates small business owners made more than 15 million dollars on that one Saturday last year.