Neighborhood kids in SeaTac surprise sheriff's officer with a big 'thank you'

(Photo: Rick McLachlin)

SEATAC, Wash. -- A group of neighborhood children in SeaTac surprised a sheriff's officer at home with a large poster board they made to thank him and his fellow officers for their police work. They also gave him a Starbucks gift card.

"I smiled and almost cried watching this go on," neighbor Rick McLachlin told Q13 News in a Facebook message.

He said about six to eight children in the neighborhood, ranging from 3 to 7 years of age, greeted King County sheriff's officer Jose Bartolo as he arrived home in his patrol car.

McLachlin said Bartolo spent about 30 minutes talking with the children about what he does and showing them his work gear and his patrol car.

"I just couldn't help it, I approached, thanked him for his service and asked if I could take a photo," McLachlin wrote. "I also thanked these extraordinary children."

"This is good stuff. We need more of this EVERY DAY. Not just after tragedies," McLachlin wrote. "My heart is full."

King County sheriff's officer Jose Bartolo with the children. (Photo: Rick McLachlin)