Woman shares warning for others after surviving a stroke

May is National Stroke Awareness Month.  Did you know every four seconds, someone in the U.S. suffers a stroke?  According to the American Heart and American Stroke Association, stroke is the 5-th leading cause of death in America.  There is good news though.  Prevention and awareness means more people know the symptoms of a stroke and are acting fast to get the help they need.  FAST is the acronym health experts use to help you spot the symptoms of a stroke.  F stands for face drooping.  A stands for arm weakness.  S stands for speech slurred.  T stands for time to call 9-1-1.  The faster someone recognizes the signs and calls for help, the better their chances for survival and preventing permanent damage.

A local woman, studying to become a nurse suffered a stroke while at work.  Myra Wilson shares her story to help raise awareness about stroke and the importance of getting help fast.