Former outed CIA operative Valerie Plame calls Cheney a traitor
SEATTLE -- Valerie Plame says former Vice President Dick Cheney is a traitor for allegedly having outed her in 2003 as an undercover CIA operative overseas.
It's now been more than a decade since Plame found herself in the center of a political firestorm.
The incident began when Plame's husband, former U.S. diplomat Joseph Wilson, was sent to Niger by the George W. Bush administration to investigate claims that Iraq had arranged to buy and import uranium from Niger. Wilson reported to Bush that Iraq had no such program.
But after Bush made the claim during the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Wilson disclosed what he had found in an op-ed in the New York Times. A week later, columnist Robert Novak, citing two senior administration officials, wrote that Plame was an undercover CIA agent overseas.
Many alleged that the information came indirectly from Cheney and was leaked as political retribution for Wilson's op-ed piece.
Plame, who later resigned from the CIA, is now an author.
Q13 FOX News' Matt Lorch sat down with her Wednesday to talk about her life, the scandal that gripped the country, and the threat we face from ISIS.
Former CIA agent Valerie Plame calls Dick Cheney a traitor
Former CIA agent Valerie Plame calls Dick Cheney a traitor