Dog attacked by loose pit bulls inside fenced Graham backyard

GRAHAM, Wash. -- A Pierce County couple thought their dog would be safe in their gated backyard but they were wrong.

Two pit bulls got into their yard and surrounded their dog, Jack. Now neighbors worry the pit bulls could be returned to their owner.

Eight-year-old Jack is all fixed up after an emergency visit to the veterinarian that cost his owners hundreds of dollars.

“Up until yesterday he thought everybody loved him,” said Jack's owner, Lisa Hansler. “He’s got stitches in, he’s got a shunt put in. He’s on painkillers so he’s feeling good."

On Thursday. Jack was playing inside his fenced backyard, but somehow two pit bulls broke through the gate, and that’s when a vicious attack began.

“They were synchronizing attacks on him,” said neighbor Dustin Blanchard, who rushed into the fray to help Jack.

Blanchard said he had to beat the pit bulls with an umbrella to get them to stop attacking.

“I hit the dog once and it actually turned and snarled at me and turned back like it was going to keep going,” he said.

But the pit bulls soon ran off, thankfully ignoring the adults and small children who filled the street. But Jack’s owners worry the attack could have been much worse.

“I’m glad it wasn’t our little neighbor kids or any kids around here,” said Lisa. “It could have been anybody.”

The pit bulls' owners surrendered one dog to animal control but the second dog is already back at home and that has Jack’s owners and neighbors concerned.

“Whatever needs to happen to make sure that people and other people’s animals are safe, that’s what needs to happen,” said Chris Hansler.

“Should definitely be put down,” said Blanchard. “I don’t think they should be released. It’s too much of a dangerous thing.”

One of the pit bulls is scheduled to be euthanized, but it’s still too soon to tell what could happen to the second pit bull.

Animal control said the owners could end up being required to buy a special permit to keep the other pit bull.