The Internet welcomes Hillary Clinton to Twitter
By Ryan Broderick and Sarah LeTrent, BuzzFeed/CNN
Editor's note: This post was created for your reading pleasure as a collaborative effort between the editorial staffs of BuzzFeed and CNN.

(BuzzFeed/CNN) -- Hillary Clinton inadvertently won over the Internet when a photo of her coolly typing away at her Blackberry with sunglasses on (inside a plane, no less) went viral.
Now, she has taken social media matters into her own hands with her first official tweet on Monday.
Clinton even gave a savvy nod to Stacy Lambe and Adam Smith, creators of the popular Tumblr page "Texts From Hillary," in her first tweet.

But it wasn't just the two of them freaking out about the former first lady and secretary of state's Twitter debut. Here are some of our favorite responses to Clinton's long-anticipated entry to the popular microblogging platform.
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But, first things first -- we have to talk about her bio. You know you have a commendable bio when the creator of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, comments on it, saying he loved Clinton's bio, which reads: "Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD..."
For the complete CNN story, go here.