Pinwheels planted in Pierce County to raise awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month

In Pierce County on Monday, a stunning sight is bringing a powerful message.

Volunteers planted hundreds of pinwheels in the lawn of Pierce County Juvenile Court to speak out against child abuse.

Organizers say the demonstration is to raise awareness of abuse and call attention to those working to help victims.

"These are just symbols of children who are in foster care because of neglect or abuse,” volunteer Ted Wiseman said. “There’s just rewards in helping the kids achieve some kind of permanency in their lives.”

The pinwheel is a symbol of a happy childhood, organizers said, and meant to convey that every child deserves the chance to be raised in a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment.

Organizers with the juvenile court also used the event to say thanks to Court Appointed Special Advocates and Guardian ad litems, those who help children in the foster care system who are survivors of abuse.

They say they’re always looking for volunteers to help kids in need.