Local gun sales spike in wake of Wednesday's mass shooting in California

TACOMA -- More people are arming themselves in the wake of Wednesday’s California shooting. On Thursday, a mother has never owned a gun before said she wants to protect her children.

Inside Surplus Ammos and Arms in Tacoma, Audra Hearring, a mother of four, never wanted a gun until Wednesday.

“We were talking about what happened yesterday in San Bernardino and the mass shooting-there have been a lot of them lately,” said Hearring.

Hearring joins the rush of customers heading to gun stores, shooting up sales.

“Every time we have a big rush to buy guns, it's after the politicians start talking about it,” said the store’s owner, James Bigelow.

Managers report the retail store had 50 percent more sales that normal on Thursday while  online, where many of his customers are from California, sales were up 100 percent.

Bigelow believes people aren’t just flocking to his store for extra protection from potential shooters, but in case gun laws change.

It’s why Michelle Burris came to the store.

“I have two of my own pistols, but I'm trying to get some things for a rifle I don't think I can get in the future,” Burris said.

As for Hearring, she said the thought of guns still scares her but no more than the idea of leaving her and her children defenseless.

“If we're going to get one, it’s got to be now before they are taken away, if in the future I still need to then I can protect myself and my children,” said Hearring.