Des Moines police warn residents of solicitors who want to 'inspect' their homes

DES MOINES, Wash. -- Police say they have several worrisome reports of a group of men going door to door and offering free home inspection services. Officers say these people do not seem to have identification or a business license of any kind and they could be trying to get inside to survey your property for a potential burglary.

A suspicious man came to visit Dan Fisher and his wife the other day.

"(He) wanted to do a 30-minute fire inspection of the house, which is crazy, because he’s looking for any way to get in the house, I felt," Fisher said.

Police say you should be cautious of any solicitors, especially if they offer to come into your home for their services.

"That’s a huge red flag," Sgt. Doug Jenkins said.  "You never know why somebody wants in your home. If they’re going to case your house or do something bad once they get inside. We strongly recommend you don’t let strangers into your home."

Police say you should call 911 if you see anything suspicious on your street. Officers would rather respond to a false alarm of a suspicious person than a home burglary.