Ethics board reaffirms vote on free U.S. Open tickets for state lawmakers

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — A Washington state ethics board has reaffirmed a vote from earlier this year that allows lawmakers to receive free tickets to the U.S. Open golf tournament without violating state rules limiting gifts to legislators.

The board voted Tuesday to approve a written advisory written following a February vote in which the board agreed that the $110 tickets are acceptable exemptions to state rules that cap gifts to a $50 value.

Because lawmakers will learn about developments to the site of the tournament expected to draw more than 200,000 visitors, ethics panel officials say that lawmakers won't be at the tournament primarily as spectators.

Lawmakers will be able to choose one of two three-hour tours that the county is organizing during the June tournament at Chambers Bay Golf Course, though they will have time to watch some of the tournament if they choose.