Chicago baby, shot with father during a diaper change, dies

CHICAGO -- In Chicago, certain names have become synonymous with a specific type of tragedy for girls, which can be recalled with bleak and brief synopsis: HadiyaPendleton, a 15-year-old majorette, shot in the back after coming home from President Obama's inauguration; Janay McFarlane, 18, gunned down in North Chicago while walking with friends -- her 14-year-old sister had just heard the president give a speech about gun violence.

Now there is another name to add.

Six-month-old Jonylah Watkins died at a hospital Tuesday morning after being shot while getting her diaper changed by her father, who was shot too.

She is survived by her 20-year old mother -- who had once been shot in the leg while eight months' pregnant -- and her father, Jonathan Watkins, 29, who remained in the hospital in serious condition, officials said.

"This is another tragedy, because no child, and certainly not an infant, should be the victim of gang violence," Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said at a televised news conference. "Which, by the way, at this point, although there's a lot of angles that we're pursuing, there are very strong gang overtones to this particular event."

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